21 Days of Fasting & Prayer

April 5th - April 25th 

Our time of fasting and prayer is designed to prioritize our relationship with God and focus our attention on what matters the most.

The power of prayer isn’t determined by the presentation. It’s not the strength of our faith, it’s the object of our faith that changes things. PRAYER IS NOT OUR LAST RESORT, IT'S OUR FIRST RESPONSE.

This month we want to focus on the following promise in Scripture found in 1 Corinthians 2:9: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”

What are you believing for? What are you hoping for? Know that with God there is more! He wants to lead you into your what’s next, because there is A New Possible for your life and those around you!

Weekly focus.


Week 1: There is more.


With God there is always more. So no matter where you feel stuck or limited, know that with God, there is more! More faith and more fruit! This week let’s remember, that there is no limit to God’s love, mercy and grace. There is always more!


Week 2: What’s next?


God wants you to come as you are but he will never leave you there. Your past does not define you, nor does your present limit you. God’s mercies are new every morning. This week, know that God is doing a new thing in and around you, it’s “What’s Next!”


Week 3: A new possible!


Isaiah 43:19 says, God is doing a new thing and now it is here. Through scripture we get to learn that we cannot limit God to what he’s done. He’s not just the God of the impossible, he’s the God of A NEW POSSIBLE. This week, let’s declare a new possible over our lives!


scroll down to watch videos.


Follow along.

Sign up for EXCLUSIVE daily devotionals sent conveniently to your inbox over the next 21 days.

Suggested fasts.

21 Day liquid fast - Give up solid foods.

21 Day media fast - Give up media.

21 Day Daniel fast - Fruits and veggies only.

Lunch fast - Fast with us over lunch daily.

Wednesday fast - Fast only on Wednesday’s.



Week 1: There is more.

Join us for these daily devotional videos from our staff and team. Videos posted to Facebook & Instagram daily at 6pm EST.


Week 2: What next?

Join us for these daily devotional videos from our staff and team. Videos posted to Facebook & Instagram daily at 6pm EST.


Week 3: A new possible.

Join us for these daily devotional videos from our staff and team. Videos posted to Facebook & Instagram daily at 6pm EST.